Fabricación de papel y cartón ondulados; fabricación de envases y embalajes de papel y cartón

sin logotipo

Mollerussa - Pla de Urgel (Lleida - Cataluña)


Fabricación de artículos de papel y de cartón

Productos y servicios

Fabricación de cartón ondulado y cajas de cartón

Fabricación de papel y cartón ondulados; fabricación de envases y embalajes de papel y cartón

Fabricación de papel y cartón ondulados; fabricación de envases y embalajes de papel y cartón

Manufacture of corrugated paper and paperboard and of containers of paper and paperboard

The company, based in Spain, is engaged in the manufacture of paper and paperboard products. It was incorporated in the year 1969. The privately held company has a registered business headquarters located in Mollerussa, Lérida Province in Spain. The company develops its professional activity in Spain, Portugal, and France. It offers maximum quality and improves its range of products while attending to the needs of the market. The company combines technological innovation and creativity to solve the needs of the most demanding clients. It offers a wide range of corrugated cardboard, depending on the combination of the number of papers used 3 or 5 (single or double), on the paper quality, and on the flute type (E, B, and C). It utilizes stable and quality raw materials to offer a standard range of packaging requirements. The company caters the needs of the packaging sector.
Datos de contacto
Dirección postal


CP: 16074 - MOLLERUSSA (Lleida)

Tlf: +34 973600050
Fax: +34 973603431

Web: www.ondupacart.com