MAVE 93 S.L.

Comercio al por mayor de carne y productos cárnicos

sin logotipo

Mollerussa - Pla de Urgel (Lleida - Cataluña)

MAVE 93 S.L.

Comercio al por mayor de productos alimenticios, bebidas y tabaco

Productos y servicios

Comercio mayor de carne fresca de cerdo

Comercio al por mayor de carne y productos cárnicos

Comercio al por mayor de carne y productos cárnicos

Wholesale of meat and meat products

The company is engaged as a wholesale of meat and meat products and other related products. It was established in 1993 and it has its registered head office in Spain which is specifically located in New Mollerussa. The company is an industrial firm that caters wholesale of meat and meat products and other related products. It exportation and importation of meat part which offers head, head without ears, ears, masks, snout, head meat, liver, butterfly stomach, tongues, heart, kidney, spleens, lung lobes, large diaphragm, diaphragm ball, vacuum diaphragm, hummers, cut femur, back bones, tailbones, neckbone, sternum, piano bones, feet, crowns, rectum, large intestine, small intestine with mucose, and among others. The company also deals primarily with products from the pork and commercialize them, those can be casing, heads exploded or offal. Its products are mainly focused on being sold internationally and also at the exportation to countries like Angola, Cape Verde, Congo, South Korea, Philippines, Hong Kong, Japan, Liberia, South Africa, Macedonia, etc.
Datos de contacto
Dirección postal


CP: 79638 - MOLLERUSSA (Lleida)

Tlf: +34 973603500
Fax: +34 973603501
